Granny's gone and done it again

My 10 year old
maybe you need someone less boring then I am LOL
Aw, don't you say say that! I'm the boring one. :hugs

Sorry... nothing... except that is the longest dang mullet I have ever seen. All I see is a big mullet.

guess I wasnt fast enough
Sigh. And exactly what I was trying avoid happened. Wide awake at 11pm after my little nap. I built a fire, listened to the rain, snuggled with Pi and finally back to sleep around 4am. Going to feel tired all day again. Go to get out of this cycle and sleep better.
I think I'm gonna have to cull a hen... for aggression, sort of. She jumps up at me when I'm feeding, like, she won't wait two seconds for me to reach into the container and scatter the scratch. She'll jump up and try to grab the container out of my hand. And if I have to turn around to close a gate behind me first, she will bite my pant leg, or the other day she actually nipped me on the butt and it hurt! She's starting to scare me a little bit, almost like a rooster although she's not quite that bad. Any suggestions?
Smack her with a broom and show her you are at the top of the pecking order. Any time she approaches you, whether or not food is involved, you must challenge her to keep your spot as top hen. It is the chicken way.
Happens to me even if I get up slowly.
You must have low blood pressure. I am like that too.
wow, 4am !

Good luck today Cap!
Thanks, it was very busy. But didn't sell anything. So crowded, i could barely get out of the truck! I really enjoyed the drive up there, sunrise was gorgeous and new countryside to look at.

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