Granny's gone and done it again

Thanks. Oddly enough the woman I may still co-own dogs with also breeds and shows Shelties. When I used to go sheep herding with my Icelandics, people realized the Sheltie barking wasn't so bad, lol.
Whoa you mean there is a breed that barks more than Shelties?! I am finally getting a grip on Sammy's barking. Maybe I'll share my method next time I see you. Good night.
Well this has been most fun! Thanks, Mike. But I think I am going to follow Larry and go "John-Boy" on y'all. Good night Granny, good night Mike, good night any and all lurkers and latecomers! See y'all tomorrow. ❤️

Goodnight. I should head to bed, too. In case no one knows I have dogs that'll want up and out early.

Thanks Granny for the hospitality!
I'll always have a dog. Nieces or nephew will give them a home when I'm gone.
Me too. I used to rescue and foster. I have three right now. I have a lot of kids. See that 12 at the side of my name? Yep. I have a son here that will take care of them once I'm gone. Some of the other kids could too, but this son already loves these dogs too. I think I have one for sure that will out live me if she stays well.
If you go to this website: and search for Erik or Moose, then. Sunna their pictures are there. He was their breeder. Sadly he passed away recently. Lots of Icelandic Sheepdog info is there, more went with him. My picture might be there, too. So don't go there, lol.
They can have some fun and interesting color patterns.

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