Granny's gone and done it again

I'll drink to that. It rained on me before I could finish. I'm in trouble with one coop of chickens. They are out of feed and I can't get a bag their coop in the rain. I just forgot they were out and didn't take it to them this morning before it rained. I'm sure they will forgive me as soon as they see of treats coming.
Put some feed in a bucket, cover it with a towel or plastic bag.
I'm in for the day now. All coops closed with all feeders and water fountains filled. No need to check coops now at the crack of dawn. More rain starting in about 45 minutes they say. Believe it when I see it. We did get a nice thunder shower earlier. Made for a nice nap.
I wish it would rain here!
My paternal grandfather had a brain aneurysm rupture that he never new he had.
My husband had a brain aneurism that ruptured, he had a really bad headache but didn't go to the hospital right away. The doctors couldn't believe it. One even came from another part of Canada to study him.

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