Granny's gone and done it again

What a day yesterday. I knew it was coming. Forecasted to be windy..up to 60 mph. It got higher! For hours! Had an appointment for a guy to come and set my sprinklers but asked if we should change days because of the forcast. Oh yeah, that water would have been blowing across the street. My rose bush. 🥹 It was so beautiful in the morning. Then the wind came. The bush kept sweeping half way over. I've never seen anything like this. My beautiful roses turned brown from all of the wind beating them. Austin and Bronwyn just came in from trimming the bush back. This bush should bloom again this summer. My daughter here in town had a tree fall. A lot of trees fell throughout the county. Reason for wind was because of the huge drop in temperature.
See that pine tree in the background? It still stands after years of Scott and I have watched it through many a wind storm. Now the kids and I wonder how it still stands after yesterday. I'm guessing the foundation if that house is holding it up. 😳
Usually the tap root of a pine tree is twice as deep as it is tall. Add that to go with they have very little in the way of leaves and limbs for the wind to push against the odds are in favor of the pine tree. The tap root is what pine trees have to be transplanted when very young. One thing I remember from Forestry Camp I think my Senior year of high school. The summer before my senior year. It was for a week.
What a day yesterday. I knew it was coming. Forecasted to be windy..up to 60 mph. It got higher! For hours! Had an appointment for a guy to come and set my sprinklers but asked if we should change days because of the forcast. Oh yeah, that water would have been blowing across the street. My rose bush. 🥹 It was so beautiful in the morning. Then the wind came. The bush kept sweeping half way over. I've never seen anything like this. My beautiful roses turned brown from all of the wind beating them. Austin and Bronwyn just came in from trimming the bush back. This bush should bloom again this summer. My daughter here in town had a tree fall. A lot of trees fell throughout the county. Reason for wind was because of the huge drop in temperature. View attachment 3866344View attachment 3866345View attachment 3866346

See that pine tree in the background? It still stands after years of Scott and I have watched it through many a wind storm. Now the kids and I wonder how it still stands after yesterday. I'm guessing the foundation if that house is holding it up. 😳
:hugs :hugs :hugs
What a day yesterday. I knew it was coming. Forecasted to be windy..up to 60 mph. It got higher! For hours! Had an appointment for a guy to come and set my sprinklers but asked if we should change days because of the forcast. Oh yeah, that water would have been blowing across the street. My rose bush. 🥹 It was so beautiful in the morning. Then the wind came. The bush kept sweeping half way over. I've never seen anything like this. My beautiful roses turned brown from all of the wind beating them. Austin and Bronwyn just came in from trimming the bush back. This bush should bloom again this summer. My daughter here in town had a tree fall. A lot of trees fell throughout the county. Reason for wind was because of the huge drop in temperature. View attachment 3866344View attachment 3866345View attachment 3866346
Wow, sounds awful.
I dont know how you keep up with it all. Did you get good tomatoes?
We got a couple dozen worth keeping but threw away more than that. Between bug damage and rot they were not good. There will be several more pickings of these plants. Next year we will plant different varieties. We plan to plant another group of tomato plants by the first week in August to have a fall crop.
:frowWore out yall. appt was at 2:30 got out of there at 4:30 Terrible. We were the only ones left. On the way home I found out from Tom they didnt do what she told me she was going to. She wanted pictures of his eyes, shingles and ph...(new-moan-ya)shots . They did draw his blood. I had already went outside while they were doing this.He has lost weight as well. 11 lbs for him.
For myself I am being sent to gi dr and vascular again. Skin sloughing off and purple feet that are numb as well. weight loss was 35 lbs total so far.
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