Granny's gone and done it again

thats not what I meant. I meant tell like where you were, why were you in the same room ect..
Oh you mean the fine details. Well it's like this. The ranch I worked on at the time sold a purebred bull and maybe some heifers to this couple who had more money than sense and Ma and I went down to visit them and check on the bull. While there we were entertained in their Trophy room. Their trophies were very well stuffed and mounted in different positions all over the room. Yup. Tigers, lions, bears, etc. No elephants though. Or Cape Buffalo. Polar Bear was quite impressive. That was about 50 years ago.
Oh you mean the fine details. Well it's like this. The ranch I worked on at the time sold a purebred bull and maybe some heifers to this couple who had more money than sense and Ma and I went down to visit them and check on the bull. While there we were entertained in their Trophy room. Their trophies were very well stuffed and mounted in different positions all over the room. Yup. Tigers, lions, bears, etc. No elephants though. Or Cape Buffalo. Polar Bear was quite impressive. That was about 50 years ago.
Wow! I dont like that. people killing for trophys. Food yes. Those things arent cheap to have stuffed either.

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