Granny's gone and done it again

Granny I got spoiled eating good cold water ocean fish. Fish that are not fishy too. I just don't like fish that taste like cat food smells. Guess I'm picky about my fish. Haddock is from the north Atlantic and it is one of my favorites. To many kids learned to hate fish because mom tried to get them to eat nasty tuna packed in oil that looks and smells like cat food. I don't like fish with batter on it either. Needs a thin coating of seasoned cornmeal & flour mix.
And see, I'm the opposite. I lived in Florida. Liked the shrimp, which we got a lot of because we had a friend that had a shrimp boat, and I liked crab. Still do like those two. I didn't care for the fish. I did like the way the catfish was cooked in North Carolina. Lived there for a short while. Then we moved to Utah. I like the Rainbow trout, even though I'm still not a fan of eating fish. If I know of a place that makes a good fish sandwich, I'll eat one once in a while. I don't have cats now. Guess I'm not remembering fish smelling like cat food. 😂
Morning all, moving slow here too. I just want to go back to bed. Fat chance of that. Roberts worker comes today. All he does is sit and talk all day. Gets on my nerves.
I can imagine. What's he supposed to be doing for Robert anyway?
Dogs being groomed today. Takes a lot of time with 3 dogs. Supposed to be here by 10.
I can imagine. What's he supposed to be doing for Robert anyway?
Dogs being groomed today. Takes a lot of time with 3 dogs. Supposed to be here by 10.
working on Roberts goals in his planner. Socializing is one. Getting him comfortable in public, Just different things he struggles with
And see, I'm the opposite. I lived in Florida. Liked the shrimp, which we got a lot of because we had a friend that had a shrimp boat, and I liked crab. Still do like those two. I didn't care for the fish. I did like the way the catfish was cooked in North Carolina. Lived there for a short while. Then we moved to Utah. I like the Rainbow trout, even though I'm still not a fan of eating fish. If I know of a place that makes a good fish sandwich, I'll eat one once in a while. I don't have cats now. Guess I'm not remembering fish smelling like cat food. 😂
There are good and bad fish from the waters where I life mine from. All fish are not created equal. I did eat a lot of shrimp while living in FL but since most of the market shrimp now come from freshwater raised shrimp for farms in SE Asia all I can think about is all the toxins in the ground left there after the Viet Nam War. I like rainbow trout that is smoked. Love fishing for rainbow trout in the White River in MO. It's been so long since I've fished anywhere I need a refresher course in how to time knots to attach hooks.

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