Granny's gone and done it again

Diflucan may work if you take it like you are supposed to. It may make it worse only taking it once in awhile. I don't know. I know that when antibiotics are stopped to soon superbugs get created and another med is needed to kill the super bug. A vicious cycle. If partial does of antifungrals create super fungi I do not know it. Makes me think though. Ask the doc.
Collective tests. MRI ruled out some things. Them talking to me also. Me crying as they asked questions. I remember the dr at the time saying, we'll obviously there's something going on while I was crying. Because my poor Scott wasn't realizing it in the beginning. He was in denial. Not too much later he realized something was wrong. He was all for trying things we had read about or watched online. Coconut for one. It was supposed to help with slowing things down. He declined faster than anyone I've read about. Or known. I worked in a Nursing home and Assisted Living.
DH had a brain MRI last week, pending a visit to his PCP. His condition is so complex because some comes from malnutrition from the Crohn's and I suspect some brain fog comes with his meds. He's supposed to be taking b-12 shots which are easy to forget because of that needle.... And he needs those shots for memory. He already gives himself weekly humira shots but those needles are easier. Memory is such a delicate discussion, it has to be handled correctly or you can derail any future prospective discussion with aDr when the patient is not ready to accept the facts yet
Scott would see things in his later stages of Alzheimers. A squirrel running across the yard. We don't have squirrels in the valley. We were visiting my sister's grave site and he pointed to a dog beside her stone. No dog, real or stuffed. :(
Maybe it was the spirit of a dog.

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