Granny's gone and done it again

Granny, I read your posts with a heavy heart. Be brave, dear lady. One day during the time where I was dealing with both of my parents' dementia, I went for a walk and on the way, walked by a church in the neighborhood. On the marquee out front was this message:

"Have faith and wait."

It helped me through the darkest of times. God is watching and listening and we are all praying for you. God is listening :hugs

Well we found out what was wrong with the stove. The thermostat was fine. DH admitted the problem was probably in the mother board and beyond our ability to fix and replacement would probably be more than we paid for the stove new 15 years ago. Luckily we had kept our stove that we had in our house in IL where we stayed while we were commuting. It was stored out in the shop. Needed clean from setting before it was moved inside so he said we were declaring defeat and it was time to start scrubbing.

While we were working I remembered that two weeks ago we had some strong pop up thunderstorms roll through and during one of them, the lights had flickered. It wasn't a 'regular' flicker that knocks all of the LED clocks off kilter. It caused the TV to shut off along with DH's computer. Everything else stayed on. I asked him if he thought the stove might have taken a power surge hit that damaged the mother board and he said definitely. We got it wrestled in and hooked up, the damaged one out to the shop. DH asked me how our home insurance was deductible wise as this was storm damage. Unfortunately we didn't pay THAT much for the stove. The spare stove was under 10 years of age when we retired and made our permanent move out here so hopefully she will give us at least a few more years of service. So far everything is working but I haven't tried the oven yet other than testing.

@troyer I planted a few dual purpose pumpkins this year. Got one big one and two small ones. The big one is going to be carved for Halloween for fun and the other two will be processed for pumpkin pie. I'll try to get a pic of them tomorrow.
Dont remember why I quoted this!

Nope, bone on bone here as well. hips, shoulders back and neck

It wouldn't load for me.
It was a woman with her hens saying there was a hawk in the area that the rooster hadn't noticed so she would have to send out the warning. She let out a shrill screech and them chickens vamoosed.
It was a woman with her hens saying there was a hawk in the area that the rooster hadn't noticed so she would have to send out the warning. She let out a shrill screech and them chickens vamoosed.
I'm glad I'm not the only crazy woman with chickens cause I've done that too. Spotted a hawk circling that the roosters had missed so I let out a warning growl and screech and every rooster head popped up and joined in and the hens ran for cover. Go figure. I have about 25 roosters, most of them Silver Duck Wing bantams and I'm a better guard rooster than they are. :hmm
I'm glad I'm not the only crazy woman with chickens cause I've done that too. Spotted a hawk circling that the roosters had missed so I let out a warning growl and screech and every rooster head popped up and joined in and the hens ran for cover. Go figure. I have about 25 roosters, most of them Silver Duck Wing bantams and I'm a better guard rooster than they are. :hmm
I used to run to the back if I saw a hawk. Waved my 6+ girls into the run. Even had a neighbor that we kept in touch with if we saw one. Got a call one from her letting me know that a Coopers hawk just got one of her hens. These Coopers are brazen. She put the bird in a shoe box, went to bury it to all of a sudden that hawk trying to attack her. That hawk was still claiming it. Crazy.
Thanks... I don't mean to sound whiny. My hope when I write about it is that people in similar situations might feel a little less alone. Afraid my writing style is not quite where I want it to be yet...

Hope you have fun at church! Have a nice evening. 😘
YOu don't sound whiny, Roses, you do sound helpful. And you write well! I like reading your stuff.

Butchy Boy just seconds before he drifted off... @ShrekDawg if you lived closer here we'd love to have you and Brewster accompany us on a walk (run?) Every DR asks are you exercising. Last Dr said, exercise so your heart has to pump fast for at least half an hour each day. I sure do with the puppies! They have just one speed. There are lots roads through the woods here.
I wish I could still run and walk and ride bikes (and horses, lol!) like I "used ta could." Sadly, I have a leg, esp an ankle, that insists it is older and more "stove up" than the rest of me, which is a pretty spry 71-yo spring chicken, and flat refuses to cooperate. So I do iso ... iso? ... isometrics? in my recliner to stay reasonably fit, and walk-in-place routines in front of the tv, as much as the stupid ankle will allow, but ... accelerated heart rate? Yeah, that's a no-go for me. Oh well.
We live on a series of ridges. Down through the years, DH and I have cleared hiking and dirt bike riding trails up and down the hills through the forest. We hike them at least 4 days a week. If we aren't busy we are out walking the trails....if we aren't riding them.

I think the weirdest experience I've had with my birds when a hawk flew over---happened the first year I had my birds. I was out in the run and the Buff Orpington rooster I had (who was a sweetheart and the first bird I lost to Marek's disease) let out a 'stranger danger' cry and all of the hens beat a retreat to the barn overhang where I was standing. Big Red put himself in front of the hens....and me....guarding us from the overhead threat. He also did the same thing when another rooster came at me, knocking back the attacking rooster. They can be truly remarkable when they put their little pea brains to the task.

RIP Big Red. You were one in a million.

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