Granny's gone and done it again

I have five accidental cockerels running with my 25+ gen pop hens and Rojo, the flockmaster. One of the cockerels is a bit of a jerk to the littlest, sweetest pullet, running her off the afternoon treats, but there's nothing I can do about it. Since he's a lavender EE, I can't really tell him from the other 4 just like him, otherwise I'd yank him off the roost at night and name him Stu. But today ... well, today, something changed. When I went out to toss treats, all five of the cockerels kept a respectful distance from the other birds, and my sweet little girl got her share. It seems Rojo - my own "Big Red" - has given the cockerels an "attitude adjustment." Good Rojo!
I have slept most of this day away. Still so much pain. I don't know how I am dealing with it to tell the truth. It's worse than kidney stones.
Granny, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Still praying you get some relief or help SOON!

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