Granny's gone and done it again

I practice my hawk alarm call and it actually worked. The all ran for cover when I did it. I don't want to do it now unless I do see the the hawk return. It's been awhile sense he's been here. I've ran him off a time or two just dry firing the pellet gun. It makes a lot of noise just firing the compressed air.
Not a good feeling having Hawks around!
@Nomadicus thanks for liking my puppy photos in the contest! Kikki told me the winners won't be chosen for a calendar, just for a caption. I thought it would be cool to give the kids a calendar with the puppies.So I will make my own calendar for my dear ones with autism. I have a printer but I want to get glossy paper. I know how to do photo shopping. Maybe I will just make a personalized book with short stories again instead of calendars. Got to start early if you make your own Christmas gifts.
@Nomadicus thanks for liking my puppy photos in the contest! Kikki told me the winners won't be chosen for a calendar, just for a caption. I thought it would be cool to give the kids a calendar with the puppies.So I will make my own calendar for my dear ones with autism. I have a printer but I want to get glossy paper. I know how to do photo shopping. Maybe I will just make a personalized book with short stories again instead of calendars. Got to start early if you make your own Christmas gifts.
Make your own calender
I'm going to lay down and let my morning meds wear down some. That's the price to pay for being able to walk and pick things up. If I don't take them 3 times a day I don't get anything done because I can't walk without assistance. One day they will be able to fix this I hope.
I woke up Vestibular takes a while to settle if it's going to. Went out to fill the bird feeder. Came in did a couple of things in the kitchen, then I guess I turned wrong because my knee did it's thing. Haven't had this pain for a while. I haven't had to walk tippy toe for a while. Just kept wanting to give out along with the pain. Sitting here with heat on my knee for the first time in months. Hmm, months. I have until October before insurance will allow another gel shot. Can't complain too much. That shot lasted a while. Hoping the sitting and heat will help. I'll walk tippy toe for a while too to make sure before I put real pressure on it. I know if I walk tippy toe and is hurting then of course, no walking with a planted foot.
It’s morning here. A couple hours ago I was alerted by the chickens that there’s a hawk out there. Looked out and there was one sitting on the wash line post, the chickens were all under cover so he didn’t get any.
Had a huge hawk come straight at the house as I happened to be standing at the kitchen window looking out. Surprised me. If I still had chickens I would have been out right now hustling my girls into the run.

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