Granny's gone and done it again

Blue Eyes Please GIF by 4GQTV
We are not far as the crow flies from the river, but we are up on a plateau. Usually the road to town may flood, or power might go out. Not expecting any problems here from the storm in the Gulf.
Parts of Florida are under mandatory evacuation. The main highway north is bumper to bumper.
I have a cousin in Florida. Last I saw the was visiting Texas. She best stay there for a bit.
Ryder didn't eat last night or this morning (all we had to give him was some of our dogs' food). GC went to town to get some of what he's been eating. But he wouldn't eat that, either. Was he sick? Or just lonely, missing mom and his littermates? He wasn't very active or playful and I could see him losing weight. Started to worry. Then we decided to soak his food and try that. At last, success! After the food softened he scarfed down half a cup, gave a great sigh, lay down and crashed head-first into a pretty good nap. Yay! He eats! :celebrate
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@CapricornFarm, I've been thinking about you. Didn't think you were in the danger zones but I've been hoping that you and yours are all okay, especially since you live by a river.

I tell ya, this is one of those times I'm really glad that we are landlocked and all we have to worry about are blizzards, ice storms and the rare tornado. We almost retired to Florida, Sebring area. Still sorry we didn't about the time January rolls around.

Have any of you ever heard of a mouse chewing through cooking oil containers? I discovered one did today putting groceries away in the back up pantry in the shop. Had it for 6 years at least, the back up pantry not the oil. Man did I walk into a mess. Oil everywhere and two containers with 3 mm holes chewed in them. I'm still cleaning up oil which ain't fun. Moved the oil into the kitchen, put out mouse bait. Going to keep the ruined oil for emergency lamp oil but man. Those mice must be getting desperate.
There is still time. Sebring is beautiful in the winter. We both grew up about 35 miles NW of Sebring.... Rolling hills a little with lots of lakes around. Cattle ranches instead of chicken farms.... broilers.
hwody all.

Well pheasant season opens this Sat. Still trying to get everything done around here.

Weather is "BIZZAR" supposed to be close to 90* again this weds. Still haven't had a frost and some tree's are saying tuff chit and dropping leaves while others are holding tight to every leaf.
I used to Pheasant hunt.
We are not far as the crow flies from the river, but we are up on a plateau. Usually the road to town may flood, or power might go out. Not expecting any problems here from the storm in the Gulf.
Parts of Florida are under mandatory evacuation. The main highway north is bumper to bumper.
My SIL is trapped in that bumper to bumper. Rest areas are packed with people parking on the grass and anywhere they can. Painted parking lines mean nothing now. She's been driving 15-20 mph on I-75. Took her two hours to get from her house to the county line. She is not sure her house will be there as she is in the bulls eye right now. It if hits where it is forecast there may be that 20' storm surge in her backyard. She had planned on leaving Wednesday morning but finally woke up when they started telling people to leave. Her neighbor is staying put. Some people want to earn a Darwin's Award.
Well no wonder. My XH shot a pheasant once when we lived in MT and all I had to cook it in was a wood-fired oven. It was awful! I thought I'd cooked it badly. Actually the poor thing had drowned. The rifle sight was off a bit and he only burned it. It flapped around, fell in the irrigation ditch and drowned. Twarn't no good ... tough and dry and no, Granny, it didn't taste like chicken!

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