Granny's gone and done it again

My MIL and FIL had a home in Sebring. My husband inherited it when they died. Stayed there once when we went down there for a 24 hour bicycle race. Nice place. DH decided to sell it and now we both wish he hadn't.

We probably wouldn't have stayed in the city but would have probably sold it and bought property inland more as rural as it gets in Florida once we retired.

IMHO, higher insurance costs, etc, is the price you pay for living in areas with ideal weather conditions, and pristine white sand beaches nearby, although, yeah, you have to put up with the occasional pesky hurricane or wild fire which causes the higher insurance rates for those areas. The big problem is the rest of us in land lock land suffer the collateral damage in the form of higher insurance premiums also. They (the insurance companies) have to make up the losses some how. Add to it higher prices for building materials, etc., all over the country, if not out right shortages because everything has been diverted to the site of the latest weather disaster where rebuilding is taking place. Yeah, we have tornadoes and blizzards to contend with but outside of the tri state tornado in 1925, tornadoes are generally not wide spread in their destruction and only devastate small areas.

I managed to get most of my plants inside today and find places to set them. We have seen temps down to 34 at night so it was time. All I have left is one cactus to bring in and my giant cannas to dig up and bring in. I'm waiting till after the first frost to do the latter. DH went down to the site where we are harvesting the old growth oak that fell and scooped up a couple buckets of saw dust to pack them in . I'm pretty tired. Most I've done in about a week and a half.

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