Granny's gone and done it again

Shoot, legs on fire. I mixed the hamburger best I can remember for meatloaf and its in the oven. eggs, onion powder, catsup,cheese then Ritz cracker crumbs. More catsup drizzled on top. My onion soup mix expired in 22. lol Robert said it was shaped like a cake not a loaf. Instead of fried taters (they are growing) its gonna be instant mashed and maybe some green beans. I will be the only one to eat green beans. :fl:idunno
Poor girl
Shoot, legs on fire. I mixed the hamburger best I can remember for meatloaf and its in the oven. eggs, onion powder, catsup,cheese then Ritz cracker crumbs. More catsup drizzled on top. My onion soup mix expired in 22. lol Robert said it was shaped like a cake not a loaf. Instead of fried taters (they are growing) its gonna be instant mashed and maybe some green beans. I will be the only one to eat green beans. :fl:idunno
that sounds really good. I love ritz crackers. I put crushed up pork rinds in mine instead of crackers.
Poor girl

that sounds really good. I love ritz crackers. I put crushed up pork rinds in mine instead of crackers.
I've never tasted pork rinds but I would assume I couldn't chew them.
Well Robert ate a ton of the meat and made sure the rest went in the fridge and Tom ate everything including the green beans! I thought the meat was a little dry myself.
I'm just getting over covid. Not as bad as last year.
We're packing up things. Selling house. Looking at others. What a job.
Granny hope you're not in a lot of pain.
Hope all is well. 💗
we have been worried about you! Selling your house, why? I cant imagine losing that view.

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