Granny's gone and done it again

well Old Gold's little is a bull, Got the main herd their annual booster of 7-way and the 10 calves their first shot they will need a booster in about 2 to 3 more weeks. Taged old golds and moved the 8 older calves over to the young stock paddocks with Linus and Lucy.

Hauled and put away 12,000 pounds of oats, got the main coop cleaned out and the feed room done. Hauled lics tub out the the yaks, replaced the dishwasher here in the house , raked leaves up 3 times, pulled my beets yesterday still need to do something with them. Got room 10 painted and everything fixed from the tenet/deadbeat I took to court. Had to have here "trespassed of the property" Extra mass on Nov 1 which is All Saints Day. Cooked the following meals in the past 8 days,
Homemade sausage, sauerkraut, mashed taters / Spaghetti with meat sauce / Ribs , cowboy taters, cooked kohlrabi from the garden and sour cream raisin pie (from scratch)/ A fratta one night with some pullet eggs/ meatloaf, baked taters, corn and apple crisp. General cleanup for fall around the motel, and garden all done except for carrots.
OMG! After hauling all that you worked up a hardy appetite! I don't cook that much in a years time. I bet your wore out too huh?
OMG! After hauling all that you worked up a hardy appetite! I don't cook that much in a years time. I bet your wore out too huh?
very much so averaged about 5 hours of sleep a night.
On the bright side, I'm down to 191.4 lbs from right b/4 bro got here and the same last night. I can now slide my 36 in waist jeans off withOUT undoing the button or zipper.

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