Granny's gone and done it again

Linus looking /demanding a treat
calves nov 5 2024 011.JPG
Good evening Granny Land. Taking care of fewer chickens is making like easier. Have 6 roosters that need home whether with hen or a visit to freezer camp. Keeping 7 as a vagabond gang of pets. Two are very sentimental guys as they came from really loved parents that we have no more. BBL. Need to get back into the woodworking stuff.
He's with Kevin. Stuff just don't fit in his jeep.

He said I don't love him and I never have. I tell him that's just not true and he said I didn't stick up for him when mom was here or Toms DD when they got into an argument. I have heard this many times.
This is sad that doesn’t feel you have stuck up for him. I know he is autistic but some of the things he does is just wrong. You have done everything you could possible do for him. You are still doing for him. And I know you will for the rest of your life.

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