Granny's gone and done it again

It's what makes this thread so successful, Granny. It's your super power. You genuinely care about people, and they feel it. It helps you remember things about people, even if they haven't been on here in years. It's a rare gift.
Snow White And The Seven Dwarves Dwarf GIF
Thank you Blue..
why? I know you enjoyed it. I did too
The last time I did a water change it was harder than I expected. It was a bad day, I just didn't know I was going to get worse during the change. Thought I was going to have to ask Bronwyn to help. She was home working that day. My grandson has a 60 gallon. Perfect for the new sail fin pleco I had gotten. He was getting big.
The last time I did a water change it was harder than I expected. It was a bad day, I just didn't know I was going to get worse during the change. Thought I was going to have to ask Bronwyn to help. She was home working that day. My grandson has a 60 gallon. Perfect for the new sail fin pleco I had gotten. He was getting big.
ohh Im sorry. Love them sail fin fish. The silver mollies are really pretty.
SD surgery went well yesterday. They managed to get the whole shunt out from the brain to the belly. She has 2 bur holes in her skull and they are sending her home today headache free! She was crying happy tears. :love
Thank the Lord. VERY happy for her.
DH is sick. He almost never gets sick! But he tested neg for flu and covid, so there's that. He's coughing something fierce though. Took him to Urgent Care and they gave him a steroid and something for cough, but no ABX, they think it is viral. Monday's a holiday, hopefully he'll be better by Tuesday.

whoopping cough is here in ND pretty bigtime and VERY VERY bad in Minnesota. 1000's of cases across the river.

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