Granny's gone and done it again

Lots of recipes here. More than we have made so far. I heard about jelly being made for the hulls of purple hull summer peas this year. Not sure that sounds so good to me. I made trade the hulls from our shelled peas next year for a small jar of jelly. Custom jellies are so expensive we have to make our own. A six ounce jar of specialty pepper jelly was 6-8 dollars in TN.
Spent some time this evening making a list of berry plants to buy for the berry garden. Blackberries, Tayberries, Logan Berries, Raspberries, and more. I know that's a lot of jelly, jam, syrups, and maybe some blackberry wine for the stomachs sake.
A daughter had a tree of Ligan berries. They don't do like you and bottle them. They called it a messy tree, which it was all over their sidewalk. They cut it down.

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