Granny's gone and done it again

When I took my dad to ER with Covid symptoms they never tested him till we were there around 4 hrs in. When he came back positive then they isolated us. A lot of good that did. We had already been around everyone, plus sat in the waiting room for an hour. No one was requir3d to wear a mask. I found it very ironic after what 5hey put us through in 2020.
soory all had to go and finish a couple batches of carmels. Still have more tomorrow MAYBE, dishwasher repair man is "supposed' to be here tomorrow.

I think I am done with cookies. Final count, 125 dozen no idea how it came out the "perfect" for you math challenged, that 1500 cookies.
And , I am out for the count. After I fold the laundry in the dryer spaced them out earlier today.

I widh you all sweet dreams, war fuzzies, prayers and healing thoughts.

Tis a little "brisk" out there tonight.

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12:17 AM
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Mostly cloudy
Feels like

The skies will be mostly cloudy. The high will be 11°

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