Granny's gone and done it again

That's great! One of my poor girls is molting, but the rest lay pretty much every day, I have a string of lights for them that is solar and doesnt go off till 9:30ish because they were afraid of the dark lol
Mine looked pretty rough for a while but all seem to have been to the professional designer and tailor now and look pretty good. I like the idea of solar lights, but don't they go off when the sun sets? If so they wouldn't do me any good, I'm trying to add an extra two hours of light to their days.
Chili for dinner tonight. Smells good already.

8 eggs today! :ya Been getting 3, 4 for a while. Read somewhere here to add light only in the early morning but I am NOT a morning person! So, been adding it in the evening, 5 to 7 pm. Seems to be working. :yesss:
It would be hard for me to believe the chickens cared what time the extra light came in from.
The chickens don't care when the light is added. Predators prefer that you add it in the evening from what I've read here on BYC in the past... If not here I don't know where but that is what is taught somewhere and that's the way I added it when I had new pullets dropping eggs off the roost in the dark. It solved the problem.
While I was there they wanted a urine sample and came in with a cath. I said wait a min. He hasn't even tried to go on his own! So I helped him get their sample . I just called to check on him. They cathed him anyway. :( and yes add a UTI to the mix. They said he didn't even fuss when they did it.
Cath is better for getting a sterile sample
Granny it is good to know Tom is getting professional care now. About the rehab... Lots of time that is the preferred thing for a lot of but not all patients to continue to heal until they get over the hump. It's the in between place where not ill enough to be in the hospital but need 24/7 care that is next to impossible to get at home.

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