Granny's gone and done it again

Two antibiotics. One for the STREP and one for Pneumonia. Pneumonia is in the early stage. The worst part may be that my supper didn't taste normal tonight. Will do a COVID test tomorrow. Have plenty of kits. I will see if they did one at primary care before I use a kit at home. If they did I will wait a few days and use one if I don't improve.
Yikes. That isn’t good. Glad you got to the dr. Hope the ABX kick in fast
Sweet memories Cynthia

Howdy all, back from visiting Tom. He wants to know if I can put a bed in his room and stay there with him. I cried when I left him. He just kept caressing my hand and kissing them.
The appt. today with social worker and rehab, no nurse did not go well today. They asked me what I wanted to see happen and I told them I want him to be able to walk and potty on his own. Rehab popped up and said he isn't doing anything to help himself and social worker tells me Medicare wont pay if he isn't trying and they have no Medicaid beds so he wont be allowed to stay unless he tries. I'm over here wondering how I will get him in the house. Anyway, I get there and meet rehab. She said he just walked today! So he gets to stay a little longer. Roller coaster ride over here.
Wow,sounds like Tom is doing well if he walked today. He should be home in no time.
We talk about many things. Most of us are old folks, so we comfort our friends with their maladies. Sometimes getting it off your chest helps. We post recipes. Post photos. Real nice group of folks. Oh, and we talk about our livestock, pets, and gardening.

Please define "old folks" remember I am younger than granny.:lol:

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