Granny's gone and done it again

Good morning!!!
Yes. It's a good morning to get some more sleep as last night was quite restless. Need to take my antibiotics before I forget and miss a dose along with a few others and then I'll try and get a few more winks in before I have to find my way out to where I need to work today.
Yes. It's a good morning to get some more sleep as last night was quite restless. Need to take my antibiotics before I forget and miss a dose along with a few others and then I'll try and get a few more winks in before I have to find my way out to where I need to work today.
Yes. It's a good morning to get some more sleep as last night was quite restless. Need to take my antibiotics before I forget and miss a dose along with a few others and then I'll try and get a few more winks in before I have to find my way out to where I need to work today.
Hope a nap or two helps you feel caught up Larry. I know those nights. No fun. ❤️
Off to sign and close this morning. Got up earlier with the dogs and so I could read.
The buyers asked for a final walk through last evening. Last minute. The day before signing. 🫤 We did ours last Monday. We couldn't say no, technically that have the right for their final walk through. We just went to Sonic for dinner. Ugh. Thought we were coming back to them done. Supposed to be a half an hr. but they were still there. Have to admit, we were longer with our last one. Had my carpet guy come by and measure for carpet. No one living there now. Anyway we parked right down from them in front of a neighbors home. Watched them come out. We've never met so was being ..only a little bit nosey. 😁
Got a notice from our Realtor that their appointment is at 1. Then got a final notice on the sell..that the lender clears them for closing. It's done. And, they're making sure it funds today. We're almost there. I would say that I don't remember all of this being so involved when we moved in, but Scott did handle it all. Thankful the kids are here to do it and explain some things to me. My Vestibular has acted up a few times through it all. So my mind isn't functioning through it all at times. This morning seems good so far. Better be. I'm signing and hearing things. Austin and Bronwyn will be signing too..for the extra mortgage.
Tomorrow. It's going to be busy. Of course I won't be lifting. I'll stay behind and vacuum each room as it empties. :)
One more night of sleeping here.
Granny, you said you worried that I would miss my mountains. I'll have to take pictures from my new front window! And, my two bedrooms!

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