Granny's gone and done it again

Larry, I didn't get my first computer til about 10 yrs ago when I came here. I know how to get here and FB, that's about it. Well, I Google a lot of stuff too. Lots of info to learn about.
Got my first one in 1986 and was self taught to program on that one. I wrote two programs without any help with the computer language then. I had a program to evaluate stock trades and one to evaluate nutrient consumption from foods eaten for a given period of time. Now you can buy programs for both. Some food programs are more bling than useful. Some written to grab dollars from unsuspecting users.
I don't use that many in a year. Can't afford that for treats.
I don't drink anything else. I don't pay for tea, soft drinks ect... I very seldom buy anything for myself as far as clothes go and I have needed shoes for a couple years now, I smoke and drink coffee, that's my expense monthly. Tap water suits me just fine.
I used to stop at 7/11 stores and get French Vanilla cappuccinos a few times a year. That's what I want, a cappuccino machine for home use. If I had one the poor chickens would never see me as I would be sitting with a up in my hand all day long.
I've never had one. Isn't it foamy coffee?
How about cutting a big wooden wire spool in half?
I've already got the materials left over to make exactly what I need. No truck here to haul a cable spool. Not sure where I can get one here. I'm making it to a planned size so I can photograph the action on it too. I used to build sets to photograph wild birds on. Bait and photograph. Chickens may not cooperate as well as the song birds did.
I don't drink anything else. I don't pay for tea, soft drinks ect... I very seldom buy anything for myself as far as clothes go and I have needed shoes for a couple years now, I smoke and drink coffee, that's my expense monthly. Tap water suits me just fine.
I don't smoke or buy alcohol as a beverage either. Spend less than $10 a year on whiskey for making home brew cough medicine that works. Did break down and get Ma some new flannel shirts for chore time and I got a new belt. She patches my jeans and shirts like grandparents would have. We refuse to pay for cable TV too. Medical gets the most of our disposable income after other necessities. l wish I could be reliable for a job but that will never be again now and I know it. I'd like an extra check to spend on more chickens and feed just for pets.

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