Granny's gone and done it again

Don't worry, Prostar, my pitching arm ain't what it used to be.

We are still dealing with snow, but the wind has been kind to us so it hasn't been too bad. My birds are faring well and the new road commissioner is keeping his campaign promise and actually plowed the road...twice!

This could almost make me like winter!

Plus, just got in from the coop....with 9 eggs! Since it's unlikely that all the bantam hens I hatched laid on the same day, I suspect some of my older girls have started laying also. Definitely not telling me that spring is around the corner but I'll take what I can get at the moment with the temp 17° after a low last night of -9.
Frozen eggs?
Robert went out and shoveled around the van and a couple hours later we saw a neighbor out there with his plow! I went out to thank him and gave him $20 for gas. Told him what it meant to me. He was happy. Then I talked to Toms nurse. You wouldn't believe all the things she wants me to do. sugar check 5xs a day 4 sliding shots and one long acting at bedtime. Go buy a BP machine and check it 4 xs a day to know if he needs his med or not. Stay with him when he walks.. It just keeps going.
Ummmm Granny, those aren't unreal requests given that Tom is a barely controlled diabetic and prone to falls. I did it every day for up to 6 people when I worked clinical plus took care of 26 more. And now we do it 5+ times a day for our diabetic kitty.

It's not easy, but it's a choice you have to make. Either be willing to do the care he needs to bring him home, or....And I think you know what the 'or' is.

Sorry to be so blunt and God knows I'm not trying to be cruel, but not doing those things is what got him in the shape he is and where he currently is. It's not going to get better and he's not going to do better without the care that he is getting now at the nursing home. You will be looking at a revolving door of hospital and rehab stays.
I'm wondering if you need different antibiotics. Can you go back to urgent care? I know they told you to follow up w/ your Dr. Just tell them you made an appt. it just isn't time yet.
I probably do and I mean at this point it’s almost Thursday so I think I can wait but it just sucks cause it’s sooooo painful
Ummmm Granny, those aren't unreal requests given that Tom is a barely controlled diabetic and prone to falls. I did it every day for up to 6 people when I worked clinical plus took care of 26 more. And now we do it 5+ times a day for our diabetic kitty.

It's not easy, but it's a choice you have to make. Either be willing to do the care he needs to bring him home, or....And I think you know what the 'or' is.

Sorry to be so blunt and God knows I'm not trying to be cruel, but not doing those things is what got him in the shape he is and where he currently is. It's not going to get better and he's not going to do better without the care that he is getting now at the nursing home. You will be looking at a revolving door of hospital and rehab stays.
No, I agree its not but its also not like they were giving me that option either. They have no bed for him. No one did for Medicaid and he has used his Medicare days. I am more then willing to do what needs to be done however I believe some of this is not needed. His sugar was under control before at his maintenance dose. His BP meds to raise his BP was treating him right. COVID got him in the place he is in now. He knows he doesn't have long in this world and he wants to spend his days here at home. Who am I to tell him he cant?

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