Granny's gone and done it again

They can log in remotely to the work computer
Yup :) I still remote in to the other company. We have all sorts of remote people working for the hospital too.
Of course

, but really anyone that still lives in calif is NUTS!
Reasons why I left lol

Y’all. I can’t keep up on 40 pages. I need the Cole’s notes!!
Looking for something on the net.

But, but , but ... if you use a sugar-free syrup, you can have all the waffles you want AND they will taste good! There is even sugar-free Reddi-Wip if you really want to indulge yourself and get a little dairy. Put some bananas on it, get a serving of fruit while you're at it. Plain waffle, butter only? That's not breakfast, that's penance! :th
I only use butter on pancakes, by preference.
Lost my husband 3 years ago. I still find myself having a terribly sad time with a particular memory.
I found some really sad photos of my Dad in a camera he had. He was always frowning and his belly was huge. He always liked lots of people around.
wow thats a lot, we barely have anything here, I'd guess a inch at the most
That's what we had, about an inch. It has turned to ice, but looks pretty on the trees.

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