Granny's gone and done it again

Great visit with the NP today. She has increased one of my medications and set me up to see the onsite pharmacist to go over all my medications. She checked my cholesterol and said it looks great, then listened to my carotids and said they sound clear, so no immediate threat of stroke. Heart sounds strong too. All very good news. :clap
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That is so cool. I love that program. I hope it helps you greatly!! :love

Not in my case. The cancer took 2 years to diagnose and I was in and out of the hospital getting blood transfusions (7 or 8, lost count) and having the same tests run over and over again. I was so relieved to get a diagnosis and treatment. I believe it is all in my past now, and I'm holding on to that. :)

Thanks!! That's Cooper. :love He is currently separate from the flock, but right next door and able to hang out with them. The two roosters don't get along and the other one is the potential breeder. After a year, Cooper did not produce any offspring, even with 6 broody hens. I don't want to raise chicks, so a rooster who produces is what I need. Still, I don't want to cull Cooper and I hope to reintegrate him this spring. We'll see how that goes. :fl

I'm not. I'm a hard stick and it generally takes 2 RN's and a sonagram to find a vein. Without that, they just dig around in 3 or 4 spots. Not fun at all! :(

Not like you are thinking. It adds back in some friendly bacteria so your system keeps functioning well. We all need both bacteria and yeast in our system and it's not good for one to overtake the other. Antibiotics are indiscriminate and will kill all the bacteria, even the good. :old
Thanks!!! It has!!!! I’ve been going since 2022 so like 2+ years, maybe 3? Now, so yeah.
It is all in your past now, and I'll stick to that!!
I have a dog named Cooper. I'll post a pic.
I had a guy that wasn't that great yesterday. Couldn't find a vein in the right arm..went to the left, found it after moving the needle around. You must have tiny veins.
You pegged it on the good and bad bacteria. :)

Cooper and Bella last.
Our discussion getting into DH's truck.

DH: I keep forgetting I have to push the button on the truck.
Me: I know, my car unlocks and says "welcome back, Mr. Johnson".
DH: Cars don't talk.
Me: You just don't understand them. My car would not open up to a stranger, so she is saying welcome back. I'm multi-lingual, you know. I speak fluent cat, some dog and car.
DH: That's BS.
Me: Oh, I forgot that one. So I speak 5 languages!!!

:lau I crack myself up.
well, I quoted a couple posts but there not here.
I'm home honey! Took the nurse forever to get the paperwork done.
He is home and very happy to be here. The smile on his face was worth all the snow I fought. It never did come off the roof of the van. Not even going 60. He is wanting to go too bed already. It's gonna be a long night.

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