Granny's gone and done it again

It’s not 😭😭😭😭😭

So they took an x ray of the problem tooth and then the doctor came in after a bit. He said it looks like one of my teeth has inflamed nerves and that was the cause of the pain and said it was good I came in LOL he referred me to a specialist for root canal therapy although idk why they can’t do the root canal there???? I’ve had other root canals done there before… but I think this specialist does microscopic root canals which are different I guess. Idk. Anyways, this specialist is like 30 mins away from my house… then again my regular dentist (the one I saw today) is 15-20 mins away. So not THAT much further LOL but still… and I hope to GOD they take my insurance or else I’m freaking screwed… I’m assuming they do since he asked me what insurance I have before going and writing it but still… they might just have a partnership with this place… the referral slip has this place’s name and info etc. on it sooooo… idk. LOL he also said to call today but after he left the receptionist was like “that might be kind of hard to call today because they close at 12 today so they’re only open a few more minutes (it was 11:57) and they’re closed tomorrow. They’re only open a few days.” I Googled it and they are open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, but Thursday is only 8-12. The other days are normal hours LOL 9-6. Sooooooo… I guess I will wait till Tuesday to call now LOL but if they don’t take my insurance, I’m SCREWED because I’m not going to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket or even hundreds so I will just have to live with the pain. It’s already getting somewhat better but still. This sucks.
Bored Cabin Fever GIF
10 Things no one tells you when you own a small chicken farm in the Midwest (or anywhere).
1. Getting fresh water to your chickens year round is no easy feat.
2. Chicken math is only cute in the summer.
3. Chickens are extremely low on the food chain.
4. No one knows or cares about your girls like you do. Plan on rearranging your life for chickens.
5. Unless you have 250+ chickens, you're probably not paying bills off the backs of your chickens' eggs.
6. Chickens poop approximately every 30 minutes. Multiply that times the number of Chickens you have and ask yourself how you really feel about chicken shi*.
7. You can't take a day off of your routine. You depend on that routine as much as your chickens do. There are no chicken day spas or hotels.
8. Chickens scratch and tear up grass. They have their favorite spots in the yard no matter how much space you give them. If you have a vegetable garden, your chickens will enjoy the fruits of your labor.
9. Chickens are complex creatures, like all living things. The egg laying system is a structure in itself. The bloom on an egg is a sticky serum that you will likely touch before it dries. Get over it.
10. Chickens have different personalities from each other and it's a blessing to get to know them. You are different than millions of other people in the world because of this dynamic. Enjoy it.

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