Granny's gone and done it again

Going to start making smoothies again… 😁🥰

I bought more peanut butter and milk too!!!!!!

Had the first one in the freezer a long time but have barely used it yet. Just bought the other three. Thought they looked DELICIOUS and way better than what I have hahaha

So yeah.

It will all get used up though. Eventually.

It says BYC friend underneath your name. Someone nominated you!!
I wish I could pull that notification up again. I never get notifications on my phone like that.
ya, It doesn't make sense that you would get a notification like that for me but I didn't win anything. I've had the friend badge for years @lovesfarms
Also they had some bread buy one get one FREE so I couldn’t resist that despite already having a loaf and a half of a different type so I snagged up a couple loaves of that and put them in the freezer hahah
sounds like you racked up this trip. I suck at shopping. I never know what to get

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