Granny's gone and done it again

They have new guidelines for Tylenol or generic acetaminophen, no more than three grams per day, that's no more than 6-500 mg tablets per day. Used to be 4 grams if you didn't use alcohol but my doc told me that with people using cold and flu remedies like Nyquil that have acetaminophen in them they lowered it to 3 grams. If I'm really sick and running a fever I'll do 4 grams but I don't use alcohol or Nyquil.

It's the only OTC pain killer/fever remedy I can use thanks to having had intestinal/stomach bleeds. Sux not being able to use an anti-inflammatory and having arthritis. I've gotten shots of Toradol when things get really bad but it takes days to help.

@Shrek Dawg there is an old saying keep it simple. Have you tried ice or a heating pad on your face? Which ever one gives you the most relief? Just make sure you keep a towel between it and your skin and with the heat, make sure not to burn yourself.
Yeah, I’ve heard it’s really easy to OD because acetaminophen is in so many things now and people don’t realize it. So that makes sense.

And I’ve tried warm compress, cold compress, and heating pad. The first two did seem to help somewhat. The heating pad helped at first but then ended up making it worse IMO. IDK. LOL
DH finally had to call tech support to get the bugs out of the new internet. It kept knocking the computers off line when our ROKU TV was in use along with the tv in the family room. Not exactly sure what the tech did but seems like the new fiberoptic works better with new comps and smart tv than with old ones. My comp is pretty long in the tooth and seemed to be bothered the most along with the family room TV which isn't that old. Guess he adjusted some settings and it's working fine now. Doubled our download and upload times and turned off settings that were made for newer equipment.

It's so refreshing to have everything respond instantly to a prompt instead of having to sit and wait, and wait and wait for a page to load on your computer.
Yeah, I’ve heard it’s really easy to OD because acetaminophen is in so many things now and people don’t realize it. So that makes sense.

And I’ve tried warm compress, cold compress, and heating pad. The first two did seem to help somewhat. The heating pad helped at first but then ended up making it worse IMO. IDK. LOL
Go with what helps the most. I've had heat help more with my back pain but my shoulder pain responds better to ice. Go figure.

Acetaminophen is tough on your liver primarily.
Go with what helps the most. I've had heat help more with my back pain but my shoulder pain responds better to ice. Go figure.

Acetaminophen is tough on your liver primarily.
Thanks!!!! That’s so odd but interesting.

And yeah for a while I had some liver issues but it’s getting better now.

Also I have other reasons for not having it but yeah.
I take 1 500 Tylenol at bedtime and sometimes 1 Trammadol with it. If that doesn't work well I depend on the Melatonin and half of a Gabapentin and my 750 Robaxin to help me drift off to sleep. I'm only taking a very small part of what has been prescribed for pain.
Oh wow

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