Granny's gone and done it again

Gmorning!! lol Still not working right. Very slow loading. I didn't sleep until 4am and up at 8. I beat Tom up today which scares the crap out of me. I went in his room just standing there and watching him sleep til I had a coughing fit and woke him up. I don't really feel bad as he was in there 11 hours!
Some of Madison is w/o electric as of last night. Net too. It is 7 this morning.
Someone just called from nurses company to ax about Tom. I said, Im sorry did you say ask about Tom? I wasn't trying to be an "ask" I was trying to figure out what she wanted. She totally ignored me and started axing her questions.
If you go into the healthcare field you should have empathy and a caring spirit. Hopefully you get some of the other kind of help to, I know they are out there. ❤️
Granny, try turning your laptop off, waiting 10 or 15 seconds and turning it back on again. That always seems to help my phone if it's slow.
:oops: I actually don't know how. I do know you have to have all of your passwords to log back in and I don't know which one is which. It seems to be running better now
It's 9° at 11:00 and they are asking for 17° and tomorrow 11°. I've been asking DH to pick up some chicken feed when he's out and about. Hasn't happened yet so this morning they got warm cooked oatmeal. It won't make eggs! I told him if it's too heavy to lift, get me a 5 lb sack. I got Betty a vet appointment on Friday, then I can get a big sack myself. Maybe he will get a small sack today
It's 9° at 11:00 and they are asking for 17° and tomorrow 11°. I've been asking DH to pick up some chicken feed when he's out and about. Hasn't happened yet so this morning they got warm cooked oatmeal. It won't make eggs! I told him if it's too heavy to lift, get me a 5 lb sack. I got Betty a vet appointment on Friday, then I can get a big sack myself. Maybe he will get a small sack today
I remember cooking oats for my chickens in the winter. I would add other stuff but I don't remember what now.

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