Granny's gone and done it again

I'm back to say hi to twist..and..goodnight.
Tired Good Night GIF by irina H
for me it acts as 1) binder 2) makes your meatloaf larger withOUT using more meat 3) soaks up some of the fat (flavor) from the burger.

I use oatmeal instead of crackers less salt that way and instead of soaked bread less mess and also I feel healthier than the other options.
fixed the typo's
Huh??? I thought that was fiber that lubricated your innards. Fat is better than beans??? :confused:
it is for me , abhor beans , its texture thing. Like getting a lump of flour in your gravy. :sick and some of the side-effects are NOT to pleasant to deal with either.
I don't have that problem as the dogs and I go down together and I go take a shower while they warm up the bed for me.
of course then I have to flip Star over to get under the covers (picture a dog burrito) , The 3 older ones get up and move when I leave the bathroom.

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