Granny's gone and done it again

Wow, @lovesfarms!!! Congrats on your pic being selected, those dogs are adorable! What a story, your mama dog being stolen, that would break my heart. Then - being found and returned, amazing!!! Was she chipped at the time?

Mine are but they won't go with anybody. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and is implanted just under the skin, just between the shoulder blades I believe. It's a computer chip. A veterinarian can wave a wand over the dog and it will beep, and it will give a readout of the dog owner's name and contact info, and that's how the owner is alerted. I think it only costs about $25 to have it done and well worth it.
Thank you!!
She was chipped, but I still don't understand how they found her. My nephew owns her(young boy) lives with his parents on the farm. They have a roadside stand and it was one of their customers who took her. I'm thinking my brother may have had a suspect and identified the person. They are Mennonites and dont sue. But they still use the police because they still believe in justice. My brother doesn't really talk about that stuff unless I ask

Soon after that, my brother saw a group of young hoodlums walking past the house while they were going to church. My niece stayed home to sleep because she was sick. When they came home, their closets, cupboards, chest freezer- everything from cellar to attic was strewn around. The money from Saturday's roadside stand and a butcher knife were stolen. The door was standing open so they figured something scared them away . My niece slept through it. My brother did go to the police and identified them.
When I asked my brother about it, he said' for them to do something like that, they must have needed food more then us.
God must have been with my niece that day
Thank you!!
She was chipped, but I still don't understand how they found her. My nephew owns her(young boy) lives with his parents on the farm. They have a roadside stand and it was one of their customers who took her. I'm thinking my brother may have had a suspect and identified the person. They are Mennonites and dont sue. But they still use the police because they still believe in justice. My brother doesn't really talk about that stuff unless I ask

Soon after that, my brother saw a group of young hoodlums walking past the house while they were going to church. My niece stayed home to sleep because she was sick. When they came home, their closets, cupboards, chest freezer- everything from cellar to attic was strewn around. The money from Saturday's roadside stand and a butcher knife were stolen. The door was standing open so they figured something scared them away . My niece slept through it. My brother did go to the police and identified them.
When I asked my brother about it, he said' for them to do something like that, they must have needed food more then us.
God must have been with my niece that day
Wow! That's terrifying. She was very lucky. I wonder if they ran when they seen her. I'm glad she slept thru it. So you are ex Mennonite? I think you said that before. CRS
Ma dozed off in her chair this morning so I laid back down for a few and it turned into a few to many. Woke up at 1pm. Ate lunch and now it's a cloudy 82° outside. Got one more grape vine to plant and then going to turn the kids loose for an afternoon of bug patrol.
That's a pretty good nap!
Found a nice place for my BYC calendar in my new home Granny! ❤️ That chicken for February reminds me of my Rebas. I named all of my reds like this Reba. My leghorns were Miss Piggy because they were piglets! View attachment 4045273
Looks great there.

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