Granny's gone and done it again

Haven't been to sleep yet. :( Big booming storm during the night with fireworks.
I honestly cant remember a time we have had such crazy weather.
It rained non-stop yesterday. We are under flood warnings still. People by the river were talking evacuation last night. Before I fell asleep around 1-2am There were loud thunder booms and bright lightening cracking across the sky. I woke this morning 5 hrs later and we have a solid inch of snow and its still coming down.
Burning Climate Change GIF by INTO ACTION
We had snow yesterday and now it's raining. They are asking for the biggest snow storm yet and real cold this week.
I am just wondering how crazy they will predict this summer. Which is worse, very cold and snowy out very hot with thunderstorms
Well, IDK but I got them both.
I honestly cant remember a time we have had such crazy weather.
It rained non-stop yesterday. We are under flood warnings still. People by the river were talking evacuation last night. Before I fell asleep around 1-2am There were loud thunder booms and bright lightening cracking across the sky. I woke this morning 5 hrs later and we have a solid inch of snow and its still coming down.
Burning Climate Change GIF by INTO ACTION

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