Granny's gone and done it again

Feminine names... Well now, let's see... okay, how about:

Miss Chiff (mischief) and

Or ...

Sparkles and
Soot / Sooty? (The dark one is a charcoal Gray?) Although Soot/ Sooty are not very femme. 🤔
With the lighting in the barn it’s difficult to get natural light color pictures. When it becomes less cold I’ll get more actual color pictures.
Howdys all, I hope this thing works better than yesterday. I have one dish drainer full of soup bowls so far. and spoons are full too. Not even done with those. I'm maybe a 1/3rd of the way done. Then I have to do Toms laundry and try to find something for dinner. Gonna be a rough day. Toms nurse will be here in 1/2 hr.
Larry, you have muscles there so that means you can sit back and watch. I know that's not in your nature but think of how good your help will feel knowing they could do this for you.
Good soon to be afternoon Granny Land. Strong back help is here today. Gonna get the 4 big holes dug after lunch. Wind hill was bad this morning. About 35° actual temp when I got up and it was windy. Today we will be outside most of the day.
Be careful, Larry. Delegate, delegate, delegate!

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