Granny's gone and done it again

In what way? My DH thinks he is going to get a male and breed this female.
Feed, habitat, behavior, (some can be quite aggressive), if they get a disease, how to recognize it and how to treat it, ....Amherst and Goldens are similar to chickens in their incubation peroids...21 to 22 days, with the norm being 21 days. You don't want to 'force' them to lay by adding light to their area, that would result in a premature death. Pheasants are seasonal layers. They will lay about 25 to 35 eggs per season. Lots of little things that a novice wouldn't notice, especially with aggression.
Where there's one there are probably more. Maybe even a mate. I wonder if a trap set close to your bird might attract something?
She most likely escaped or got out somehow....door left open, wind blew door open, I've had it happen to me more times than I care to remember...and once out, they will never be seen again, or hang around until something eventually kills them, usually the 1st night, they are killed by a predator.....check around the local feed stores, they might know who raises pheasants, close to you.
Sooo... Who built all those coops?
Me, myself and I by myself no help...except for the ladder holding up one end of the board, while I tacked the other end. All post holes dug by hand, no auger! Concreted in, got tiresome hold the pole level until the concrete set! 🤣 Stretching wire wasn't easy either. Lots of blood, sweat and tears went into'em!

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