Granny's gone and done it again

His abcess drainage has to be less then 10cc a day. The cat scan has to show clear tomorrow and they are growing a culture that they are waiting for the results. The abscess is from Crohn's. Even though it's in the lower pelvis, it didn't come from the intestine, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. It is a total separate condition even though it was on the cat scan when he went into the first hospital. They just didn't treat it because Crohn's disease isn't something they can handle. It was festering a whole week till he was transferred. Now they had to figure out what caused it or where it came from. It was 'seeded' from another infection and grew into a pocket of pus. They can't send him home till it's absolutely cleared up or it will start growing again. They will also do more testing out patient because they suspect the pancreatitis is autoimmune
He's on the 8th floor and today he was looking out the window and made a comment about jumping out. Several nurses took him back to bed. I warned him not to do that. I do NOT want to rescue him from the psyche ward. He's been getting medicine to help him stay calm since that person came in his room. I told him if they think he's a risk for suicide, he can end up in the psyche ward. He's on the homeward stretch now I think and I do NOT need more anxiety. I'm hoping he will be home no later then Wednesday
His abcess drainage has to be less then 10cc a day. The cat scan has to show clear tomorrow and they are growing a culture that they are waiting for the results. The abscess is from Crohn's. Even though it's in the lower pelvis, it didn't come from the intestine, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. It is a total separate condition even though it was on the cat scan when he went into the first hospital. They just didn't treat it because Crohn's disease isn't something they can handle. It was festering a whole week till he was transferred. Now they had to figure out what caused it or where it came from. It was 'seeded' from another infection and grew into a pocket of pus. They can't send him home till it's absolutely cleared up or it will start growing again. They will also do more testing out patient because they suspect the pancreatitis is autoimmune
How did you both end up w/ crones? I mean its kinda strange don't you think? He is having it pretty rough sounds like
He's on the 8th floor and today he was looking out the window and made a comment about jumping out. Several nurses took him back to bed. I warned him not to do that. I do NOT want to rescue him from the psyche ward. He's been getting medicine to help him stay calm since that person came in his room. I told him if they think he's a risk for suicide, he can end up in the psyche ward. He's on the homeward stretch now I think and I do NOT need more anxiety. I'm hoping he will be home no later then Wednesday
some of those pills to treat depression can cause those thoughts.
How did you both end up w/ crones? I mean its kinda strange don't you think? He is having it pretty rough sounds like
The Drs say we are both of European descent.
Young Jewish men are typical Crohn's patients

The Dr says fistulising crohns and Crohn's that involve the rectum are worst. It's also rare to have it in the esophagus - that's him.
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oh, and some man kept coming in his room at night going thru his things. Found out it used to be his room before Tom. I found a baseball cap in there. Probably what he was looking for and gave it to him.
That stresses you out too then.
I feel like it is good if family keeps coming in because they wont hide things under the rug as easy if they are afraid you will walk in on them
. I have no one to take turns with me. I asked his sister and Aunt to give him a call. It's a lot for one person to go in every day.

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