Granny's gone and done it again

These are all beautiful! I REALLY like the bright turquoise one, 4the row down, far right. And the red one. And the green ones! Understand I don't actually own the one in my avatar, SourRoses sent me the pic.

I brought DH to the ER with severe abdominal pain last night. Too far to turn around and drive back home. They allowed me to crash on his recliner for the night. Awaiting the GI verdict this morning They should be making their rounds very soon.
Have you heard anything yet? :hugs
I brought DH to the ER with severe abdominal pain last night. Too far to turn around and drive back home. They allowed me to crash on his recliner for the night. Awaiting the GI verdict this morning They should be making their rounds very soon.
Am so sorry. Hope they can fix him up.

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