Granny's gone and done it again

Oof, GC just called me. She was headed into town and didn't make it. Her car has "a completely flat tire," she says. She just got it out of the shop two days ago, new head gasket. But she says our dirt road had just been graded, so there's a good chance she picked up a nail. Oh well. Call AAA. This is a fairly common occurrence, unfortunately.
AAA is notoriously slow, unless you tell them you are in danger. I waited over 3 hours to get a door unlocked once. Cop opened it in 15 seconds!
AAA is notoriously slow, unless you tell them you are in danger. I waited over 3 hours to get a door unlocked once. Cop opened it in 15 seconds!
Thanks. They usually don't keep us waiting too long, unless the weather is horrible and they're getting lots of calls. 20-40 minutes is about normal around here.
House keeper just left. She did a good job. She is supposed to come back on Mondays. Tom wouldn't let her help him get cleaned up and she heard me groaning in there trying to do it so she told Tom he needed to let her help so I could get a break.

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