Granny's gone and done it again

I came home yesterday at 11 and slept the rest of the day. This morning went back to bring him home. Had a video visit with his GI when we got home. His abcess isn't shrinking so have to go back for more tests.
I am sorry to hear this. Prayers for him and you.
Daughter is home. Praying this medication helps.
Granny, glad you got a good house keeper. (her) 😁
Blue, my knee! If the shot was working isn't doing so great now. Hoping it still needs to, kick in better. I do have bone on bone in one spot. Hope the gel works between it.
Coming back in to check on Larry. I've had the heart caths to try and fix my Afib. You're out of it for a while after. I stayed overnight after. I have a story..
One time I thought my bladder catheter was leaking as the nurse got me up to walk. It wasn't my bladder, it was where they went in to cath..I was bleeding. It's a dangerous place to bleed. It's in your groin. They bag you for several hrs. This groin needed to be bagged longer. Poor gal that was walking me was pregnant. She was quite calm and walked me back to bed as quickly as she dared. My sock was soaked. She got me down and wham! She shoved her hand hard on my groin. She asked me to push the nurses button. When the nurse answered my nurse yells for help ..bleeder in room..whatever it was. She had to chuckle and tell me she thought they could be confused because she had been spotting. :( Anyway, all of a sudden there were a lot of people in my room. She was asked if someone could take over for her, she looked at the clock and said no and told them the time required was close enough for her. I was bagged for a long time after. And for Pete's sake, I get help up with help again to brush my teeth that night and there in the sink were my bloody socks with a sink full of blood. They asked if I wanted them. Umm, no thank you.
Not sure Larry had the catheter go in his groin. They do so many things different now. I know they could go through the wrist.
Daughter is home. Praying this medication helps.
Granny, glad you got a good house keeper. (her) 😁
Blue, my knee! If the shot was working isn't doing so great now. Hoping it still needs to, kick in better. I do have bone on bone in one spot. Hope the gel works between it.
Coming back in to check on Larry. I've had the heart caths to try and fix my Afib. You're out of it for a while after. I stayed overnight after. I have a story..
One time I thought my bladder catheter was leaking as the nurse got me up to walk. It wasn't my bladder, it was where they went in to cath..I was bleeding. It's a dangerous place to bleed. It's in your groin. They bag you for several hrs. This groin needed to be bagged longer. Poor gal that was walking me was pregnant. She was quite calm and walked me back to bed as quickly as she dared. My sock was soaked. She got me down and wham! She shoved her hand hard on my groin. She asked me to push the nurses button. When the nurse answered my nurse yells for help ..bleeder in room..whatever it was. She had to chuckle and tell me she thought they could be confused because she had been spotting. :( Anyway, all of a sudden there were a lot of people in my room. She was asked if someone could take over for her, she looked at the clock and said no and told them the time required was close enough for her. I was bagged for a long time after. And for Pete's sake, I get help up with help again to brush my teeth that night and there in the sink were my bloody socks with a sink full of blood. They asked if I wanted them. Umm, no thank you.
Not sure Larry had the catheter go in his groin. They do so many things different now. I know they could go through the wrist.
Oh yeah they go into an artery I think. Hard to get those to stop bleeding. Too much pressure from the heart.
It makes you want to growl when you've been doing all their paper work and even signing your name and one person decides it's not good enough! I understand why they do it but sometimes it's very frustrating
Stupid thing is HIPPA is a joke. All of my drs have access to all my records and I never gave consent. Even my records from when I was with Kaiser.
Good evening Granny Land! Wanted to let everyone know Larry is doing well. Catherization entered at the right wrist so he has some restrictions for use of his hand and arm for a few days. He did not have any blockages in any of the arteries. I put him to bed already, he needs to get over the meds they gave him. He said to tell everyone he will be back on as soon as he is able. I will keep you posted on anything he cant type.
Good evening Granny Land! Wanted to let everyone know Larry is doing well. Catherization entered at the right wrist so he has some restrictions for use of his hand and arm for a few days. He did not have any blockages in any of the arteries. I put him to bed already, he needs to get over the meds they gave him. He said to tell everyone he will be back on as soon as he is able. I will keep you posted on anything he cant type.
This is good news. :) Thank you! 😊

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