Granny's gone and done it again

You did answer this earlier. I'm glad you got some pain relief. The PT will hurt in the beginning but helps in the long run. Take whatever pain pill you have before therapy to help you move better. I need to be doing the exercises I learned when I had therapy for my knees. I know it would help. I need motivation!
Don't know if I can take anything besides Tylenol ... probably have to drive myself. GC has a sweetheart! :love! He keeps her pretty busy until he runs out of $$$ and gas, lol. They went to school together then he went into the military. He's on disability now but I don't know why. I quite like him, he really treats her nice. Opens car doors and such, and doesn't keep her out too late.

What is MRCP? Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is a special type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam that produces detailed images of the hepatobiliary and pancreatic systems, including the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas and pancreatic duct.
I had an emergency one of these back in 2014 in Lincoln NB at a church function, then a month later I ended up septic from it and nearly died. I feel like I'm still recovering from it. I've never been quite the same. But that's rare.
Don't know if I can take anything besides Tylenol ... probably have to drive myself. GC has a sweetheart! :love! He keeps her pretty busy until he runs out of $$$ and gas, lol. They went to school together then he went into the military. He's on disability now but I don't know why. I quite like him, he really treats her nice. Opens car doors and such, and doesn't keep her out too late.

I had an emergency one of these back in 2014 in Lincoln NB at a church function, then a month later I ended up septic from it and nearly died. I feel like I'm still recovering from it. I've never been quite the same. But that's rare.
Are you sure that want an ERCP? They are more invasive then the MRCP
Are you sure that want an ERCP? They are more invasive then the MRCP
First I had an ERCP, yes. Then the dye they used pooled somewhere inside me, that's what went septic. So then I had to have an MRCP. I was in a hospital in St Louis for a week. It's 3 hours from home and DH made the trip up there every night after work, bless his heart.

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