Great Depression of 2016

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Globalism is anti-nationalism.

Yes, it is. And thank goodness for that. Really easy to start a war when you think the guy in the next country over is different from you. Why? Because he was born on the other side of a line drawn arbitrarily by politicians a century or two ago? If we could get rid of nationalism, we'd all be much better off.
Yes, it is. And thank goodness for that. Really easy to start a war when you think the guy in the next country over is different from you. Why? Because he was born on the other side of a line drawn arbitrarily by politicians a century or two ago? If we could get rid of nationalism, we'd all be much better off.

Right. Nothing worse than national independence.
Well, it looks like the Greeks are not going to take the deal with the European Community. This raises a lot of questions in my mind. What will happen with all of those Greek euro coins if Greece goes back to the Drachma? Those coins will function in vending machines in the rest of the euro community.

The rest of the euro using nations will have to check their money very carefully.

I read that about seventy per cent of Germany doesn't want to extend more credit to the Greeks. The Greeks refuse to take the austerity plan. It would reduce government pensions to about three hundred euros a month. This is bitter medicine, but probably necessary medicine.

Let's see how this all works out. Hopefully, this problem does not spread to other nations.

Also, I see Conoco Phillips has withdrawn from the Polish shale gas deal it had with Poland. Previously, Chevron had cut and run. Poland's hopes for a natural gas source seems to have fizzled.

Now, I am wondering about what the actual reserves of the Ukraine?
Globalism is anti-nationalism. Unless people of a nation see it as their collective household, the nation becomes negotiable. So long as nationalism is allowed to be demonized as isolationist, bigoted, or intolerant by the ever increasing psychological dupes of political correctness, instead of a valued principle that should be embraced for the stability and survival of a nation, the nation will be like a once beautiful home, abused by one renter after another until it is condemned. The scum in DC think they're the landlords while we give them free rent, and they steal the title to our house. A vigorous house cleaning is long overdue.

I've often wondered... If 11 million illegals are supposed to help our economy, then why did they stay and help their own?? Hnnng!

Wait and see what is in the Obama trade deal. Supposedly, it opens borders for easy immigration. They won't let us see it until it is passed. I fear they are selling us down the river.

The good news is that they found jobs for Americans; the bad news is that they are in a rice paddy in Thailand.
Wait and see what is in the Obama trade deal. Supposedly, it opens borders for easy immigration. They won't let us see it until it is passed. I fear they are selling us down the river.

The good news is that they found jobs for Americans; the bad news is that they are in a rice paddy in Thailand.

There already is easy immigration. Just costs a bit and takes a bit of time. (Family based visas, I came here on a fiancé visa...wasn't that hard, and was more delayed by me not being able to sell my house than anything else.) it can be a bit daunting if you don't know how to deal with regular ol government red tape...
I suspect that is a question of where you originated. It is a bit more difficult for some. Otherwise, why would they be crawling through the fences?
Translations required (though if I spent any time in Quebec I would have had to have documents translated as well), sure they may be a bit more noticing of red flags from "high fraud" countries, but the process is the same.

Why are people crawling under the fence? Cause the process 1) takes time, 2) takes money and 3) is no guarantee. Oh and there's still fees even once you get the green card. In my case I only have a "conditional" green card - only good for two years. Will have to re apply and go through the process again for "removal of conditions" then I can get ten year cards...dealing with uscis every ten years unless you go the citizenship route.

And yeah. If you don't have an American willing to sponsor you, it can be more difficult.
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