Great-horned Owl Fun in 2015

Missed the video. Night shot not properly activated but owl could be heard working on the carcass. Otherwise over an hour of cricket songs. Tomorrow night will make certain nightshot properly working.

Will upload chicken behavior in response to owl. Will prove very educational for many to hear.
Listen carefully to sounds the chickens make. Tomorrow I make recording of juvenile owls making the sound I hear for nearly 8 months of year every night.


This is one of the most interesting videos I have
Camcorder was setup at about 2010 h. This birds went to roost quitely. Owl did not come in quickly. This time I put a slightly larger carcass out and tied it better. Also removed obstruction over infrared emitter. Should git picture this round.
Owls approaching from east. The are calling from about 1/4 mile away. Either juveniles follow adults or other way around. Adults appear to be the ones showing direct ingerest in chickens. Juveniles wait for eats to be brouvht to them.
I am so blessed!

I have three juvenile owls, not just two assumed previously. All three came in where I could here three distinct voices in three different tree no more than 75 yards away. At same time an adult was hunting among pens stirring up chickens. Owls targeting voles and likely rabbits but did take a culled Missouri Dominique carcass I had intended for use as opossum bait.

All this disturbance is causing free-ranging broody hens to change roost locations also most every night. I have find each location and make certain they are not situated where owl can see exposed hen over chicks. If that is a problem then I place Bradford Pear branch over hen to provide cover. That is aggravating when hens can be hidden in a 1/4 acre patch of weeds. I currently do not have a dog that helps locate the hens making effort more labor intensive.

My pup is starting to get into barking at the owls but they do not just fly off. Dogs have to wait the owls out.
I was out policing up birds for night. A game hen with two chicks lost both last night to owls. I am a wee bit ticked. Hen was weaning early probably because in too good of condition. She roosted up in exposed location resulting in loss. As I policed birds an owl came in. Same hen that roosted up in a small tree then bailed out and dove down into high grass outside electrified perimeter. Was not quite dark yet. I will have to pen her up tonight once a flashlight with working bulb found. These owls are incredibly brazen. I wonder what they taste like, especially when they have eaten chicken?

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