Greetings from Maryland!


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2024
Hello! My name is Steffany! I have a small homestead in northern Maryland. I have a special interest in growing herbs, and canning!

I’ve been keeping chickens for about 3 years now. I have a mixed flock, and literally have a little bit of everything! This spring we incubated our own for the first time and had 5 out of 8 hatch. It was so cool! Our roo is a Polish named Pierogi. So the babes we hatched wound up being 3 silkies, one barred rock, and one Rhode Island mix! Absolutely adorable!

I’ve been keeping Turkey for 2 years, and I must say they are absolutely amazing creatures! I find them to be much sweeter than our flock and just absolute doll babies! We currently have one Tom, 3 hens and two babies (I think one Tom and one hen, well see soon!)

I am brand new to geese. This spring we added two African dames. They’re about 3 months old now, and boy am I learning a lot! They’ve been an absolute joy to raise so far. I’m smitten, and kind of want a million of them! 😂 I don’t think my husband would be too pleased though.

We also have 3 goats, just because. I suppose we just like the chaos! 🤣 Our Buttons was an auction rescue. He is a dwarf mix. Of course he needed friends so I would up bottle feeding a Nubian (named Pan), and a Lamancha (named Vincent Van Goat). That was an adventure for sure. I’m certainly not in a rush to ever bottle feed goats again! 😅

I’m happy to finally be here! I’ve been a long time lurker, and have certainly learned a lot on these forums. I look forward to getting to know you all, and expanding my knowledge. Thanks for having me!


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