
It gets pretty cold here (I'm in northern Idaho.) It can get like -28°F and I have some chickens that have large combs so they shouldn't do too well with that weather, but I make sure the coop is well ventilated and I haven't had too much trouble with frostbite. It think keeping the coop dry is the key. Welcome to BackYard Chickens!
Thank you very much!
Welcome Miguel. I love Alaska. The good news is that chickens are far better off in cold weather than hot weather. My Speckled Sussex, Australorps, Delaware and silkies do well in the cold weather. In fact, they love it. My barred rocks do well in cold weather as well. You have a lot of serious predators. I would go with an electric fence and 1/2 inch hardware cloth needs to be your best friend, everywhere and to prevent predator digging. For 5-6 hens, I would convert at least an 8x8 shed into a coop (or build the like), and build at least a 20x30 foot run if this is possible (with 1/2 inch hardware cloth walls, ceilings and aprons)
All good points, thank you very much!

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