Grieving hen or sick hen?


Dec 9, 2020
Hi, I'm kinda desperate here.

Last night, one of my hens died in her sleep and today, one of her mates is not doing good.

She's closing her eyes, and even sleeping in the daylight. She is hiding her head into her feathers. She's responsive when I call her and recently ate some treats, but doesn't look good.

She has intestinal damage due to coccidiosis - she had it when I adopted her and never really pooped properly but now she's having a very, very watery and foamy diarrhea.

I'm ready to start with enrofloxacin tbh.

I can't get a vet to see her until tomorrow but I don't know if she'll make it.

I would guess that she is sick, and it is coincidental to the death of the other hen.

Yes she is sick. She is opening her beak to breathe once in a while but I know what I'm seeing. It coincidentally happens when she eats or drinks.

What can I do? I can't take her to the vet until tomorrow but she looks like she's getting worse rapidly.

Ok the vet doesn't know exactly what she has, but he's treating her with antibiotics and electrolytes (she's kind of dehydrated due to her diarrhea).

She no longer seems to have difficulty breathing, but this is her poop! It used to be more transparent and kinda milky, now it's green, it's still diarrhea and I know it's not ok but is this better than before or not?

The hen looks better - she is eating a little bit more by herself, she drinks a lot due to her diarrhea, but she's more active. I've even seen her scratching the dirt, but her poop is not nice.

Any ideas?
Update: Her poop improved, but then she went into crop stasis, and she became lethargic again.

She was treated with both oral and intramuscular metoclopramide, but her crop kept hardening as she seemed to be eating more than her crop could digest (not that she didn't eat a lot either).

She died this morning, having shown labored breathing and thick drooling. I think she also wasn't pooping in the last hours.

She was only 3 years old. The vets are unable to tell me what happened.

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