I personally think the long haired dog people have it easier. At least long hair tumbleweeds in the corners and doesn’t weave into the fabric individually or coat the fabric and dog beds in black hahahah
It does 😭 it felts on to things if you leave it. Short hair at least doesn't get coat in drains and felts!
Yeah every Lab or Lab mix I’ve ever known has been a shed monster hahaha

And OMG that’s wild lol
Luckily for me Fanta inherited the reduced shedding 😆
When I walk with socks in my house if I haven't swept yet I literally have hair all over my socks😭 but it's been better lately
:lau It makes the socks so slipper too! It happens to me when I am sweeping up the hair
It does 😭 it felts on to things if you leave it. Short hair at least doesn't get coat in drains and felts!

Luckily for me Fanta inherited the reduced shedding 😆

:lau It makes the socks so slipper too! It happens to me when I am sweeping up the hair
Oh gosh!!! Guess I was wrong then. On both points hahahah that’s good Fanta doesn’t shed as much!

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