Quote: Mine are housed with several different types of birds. Peafowl, chicken, turkey, duck, guinea. All my birds are raised to comingle. Breeding season, I do separate species to lessen the stress so the females will lay and brood their own chicks. If you aren't breeding its not usually a big problem. They are fine with just grazing a little or none. You can offer garden scraps, lettuce (romaine is healthier) or sprout cheap rye grass for them. Hay is fine too, they like the seeds the most. They LOVE cracked corn, its like candy to them. You can also get a bag of the horse alfala cubes, soak a few in warm water to hydrate it so they get greens in the winter. Flock raiser feed should have all the necessary ingredients for their diet so its totally optional. Geese are very hardy after the first week of life, so just start them on a higher protein chick starter. I start mine on 24%. Important-never feed medicated starter! Its my understanding it can have deadly effects on them, ducks as well..