Mystery Breed #14

Origin: United States
American Status: Common
Weights: Cock-34oz, Hen-30oz
Comb: Single
Defects: Back too short - Low wing carriage - Wings extending beyond stern - pinch and high tails - Shallow or narrow nodied
Accepted Colors: This breed only comes in one color, described as Black Tailed Red
That's it!
Noice Thats Nice GIF
Mystery Breed #15

England except for White Crested Black which was first produced in the Netherlands.
American Status: Ranked in top 20 breeds shown
Weights: Cock-30oz, Hen-26oz
Disqualifications: Absence of knob on head - Absence of wide cavernous nostrils - White in crest of cockerels and pullets of laced varieties
Defects: Split crest - Twisted or reverse-faced feathers in crest - Neck unduly long and/or narrow - abrupt break at juncture of back and tail and sickle feathers - Wings carried too low
Accepted Colors: Blue, buff, golden, silver, white, white crested black, white crested blue, white crested chocolate, white crested cuckoo, white crested khaki
Mystery Breed #15

England except for White Crested Black which was first produced in the Netherlands.
American Status: Ranked in top 20 breeds shown
Weights: Cock-30oz, Hen-26oz
Disqualifications: Absence of knob on head - Absence of wide cavernous nostrils - White in crest of cockerels and pullets of laced varieties
Defects: Split crest - Twisted or reverse-faced feathers in crest - Neck unduly long and/or narrow - abrupt break at juncture of back and tail and sickle feathers - Wings carried too low
Accepted Colors: Blue, buff, golden, silver, white, white crested black, white crested blue, white crested chocolate, white crested cuckoo, white crested khaki
Mystery Breed #16

Origin: United States
American Status: Common (Idk about that, I've only seen them in a show once)
Weights: Cock-34oz, Hen-30oz
Comb: Single
Disqualifications: Shanks not feathered down outer sides - absence of feathers on outer toe beyond middle joint - vulture hocks - yellow skin - yellow on bottom of feet - leg and foot feathering other than overall color of bird.
Defects: Low carriage of head and/or wings - twisted hackle feathers - short and/or poorly and sparsely feathered tail - Breast narrow and shallow.
Accepted Colors: Black, Blue, White

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