Guess the Breed! Bantam Edition

Mystery Breed #22

Germany, England, and the United States
American Status: Rare
Weights: Cock-32oz, Hen- 28oz
Comb: Single - Large, Rose
Disqualifications: More than one quarter of red in surface of ear lobes in cockerels and pullets, or more than one third in surface of cocks and hens.
Defects: Small and undersized comb - Hollowed rose comb - Spike that is too short and crooked - Head too small and narrow - No break at the juncture of back and tail - Tail with narrow main tail and sickle feathers - Low wing carriage - Short legs
Accepted Colors: Black, Buff, Self Blue, White
So since it's raining here, I'm stuck at my office desk pretty much all day. I was thinking about studying my ABA standard and was wondering how I could make studying more fun. Then I thought I would start this thread!
Basically, I will post a description of one bird from the ABA standard and you guys can guess which breed it is! Once someone has guessed it, I will post another bird's description.

So here's the first description! No cheating please!
  • Origin: United States
  • 8th most popular breed in America
  • Weight: 26 ounces for cock, 22 oz for pullet
  • Single comb and rose comb
  • Disqualifications: "More than one quarter of red in surface of ear lobes in cockerels and pullets, or more than one third in cocks and hens."
  • Varities accepted in the ABA standard: Barred, Black, Black Tailed Red, Blue, Buff, Buff Columbian, Columbian, Dark Brown, Dominique, Exchequer, Golden, Light Brown, Mille Fleur, Red, Silver, and White.
Dutch Bantams.
Mystery Breed #22

Germany, England, and the United States
American Status: Rare
Weights: Cock-32oz, Hen- 28oz
Comb: Single - Large, Rose
Disqualifications: More than one quarter of red in surface of ear lobes in cockerels and pullets, or more than one third in surface of cocks and hens.
Defects: Small and undersized comb - Hollowed rose comb - Spike that is too short and crooked - Head too small and narrow - No break at the juncture of back and tail - Tail with narrow main tail and sickle feathers - Low wing carriage - Short legs
Accepted Colors: Black, Buff, Self Blue, White
Minorca? I did use the ABA recognized breed and variety list
So since it's raining here, I'm stuck at my office desk pretty much all day. I was thinking about studying my ABA standard and was wondering how I could make studying more fun. Then I thought I would start this thread!
Basically, I will post a description of one bird from the ABA standard and you guys can guess which breed it is! Once someone has guessed it, I will post another bird's description.

So here's the first description! No cheating please!
  • Origin: United States
  • 8th most popular breed in America
  • Weight: 26 ounces for cock, 22 oz for pullet
  • Single comb and rose comb
  • Disqualifications: "More than one quarter of red in surface of ear lobes in cockerels and pullets, or more than one third in cocks and hens."
  • Varities accepted in the ABA standard: Barred, Black, Black Tailed Red, Blue, Buff, Buff Columbian, Columbian, Dark Brown, Dominique, Exchequer, Golden, Light Brown, Mille Fleur, Red, Silver, and White.
Mystery Breed #2

This one is a little harder!

Origin: "Brought to Holland in the 17th century from South China or Burma. E.C Aldrich, Hyde Park, Massachusetts, was breeding them in 1836."
American Status: Common (I don't agree with this. They are hard to find nowadays)
Weight: Cock-26 oz, Hen-22 oz
Comb: Single
Legs: Feathered
Disqualifications: "Any indications of beard or muffs - Absence of wattles or ear lobes - Absence of vulture hocks"
Accepted Colors: Black, Blue, Buff, Golden Neck, Gray, Mille Fleur, Mottled, Porcelain, Self Blue, White.

Bantam Cochin? For #2

See this was wrong- it was a booted bantam🤦
Mystery Breed #3

This one is easy!

Origin: United States
American Status: Common
Comb: Pea
BIG HINT: Ear tufts and rumpless
Weights: Cock-28 oz, Hen-26 oz
Disqualifications: Absence of one or both ear tufts. Rudimentary tail. Presence of beard and/or muffs.
Accepted Colors: Black, Black Breasted Red, Blue, Buff, Silver, White.
#3- Aracauna (not sure I spelled it right though)
Mystery Breed #8

American Status: Common
Weights: Cock-34oz, Hen-32oz
Comb: Single
Disqualifications: Absence of shank feathering - Absence of fifth toe - Vulture hocks
Defects: Misshaped comb - Comb with more than five points - Any semblance of crest - Muffs interfering with sight - Scanty muff and beard feathering - Necks too thin and long - Long tails - Short and/or small body - Scanty leg feathering - Arrested development of fifth toe - Stiltiness in carriage.
Colors: Black, Blue, Buff, Salmon, White
Mystery Breed #15

England except for White Crested Black which was first produced in the Netherlands.
American Status: Ranked in top 20 breeds shown
Weights: Cock-30oz, Hen-26oz
Disqualifications: Absence of knob on head - Absence of wide cavernous nostrils - White in crest of cockerels and pullets of laced varieties
Defects: Split crest - Twisted or reverse-faced feathers in crest - Neck unduly long and/or narrow - abrupt break at juncture of back and tail and sickle feathers - Wings carried too low
Accepted Colors: Blue, buff, golden, silver, white, white crested black, white crested blue, white crested chocolate, white crested cuckoo, white crested khaki
I'm curious how you guys are guessing these birds. Are you using the internet? Using your SOP? Just wondering lol. I know that I would be struggling big time if I was trying to guess.
All of my guesses have literally been off the top of my head. I do have somewhat of a photographic memory though. And I did get some of them wrong and some I didn't guess on because I literally had no clue. Lol

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