Guinea owners please help...

Everybody's experience is different, that's what is so great about a forum, you get lots of different opinions. Guineas and chicks can be raised together for a few weeks, but then the chicks get too big and the guineas get squished. As adults, the guineas WILL kill your chickens especially if they are caged. They will still attack and aggravate the chickens if free reanged but not as bad. I've had guineas kill chickens as adults and chicks kill keets as one month olds. The chicks especially like to eat the skin off the back of the keets head and neck because they have no feathers. I have gone out and found nothing left of the keets head and neck but a couple of ligaments covered in blood. So do as you wish, but I would not suggest keeping them together.
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ive run guiens an chickens togather for ive never had a guin kill any ive had turkeys kill 3 or 4 hens.but i could never prove guien roos will kill a chicken thats a fact.mind you not saying you can have them togather.but it can happen.
Well, we have raised guinea, chicken, pheasant, turkey, and peacock babies all together. I feed Turkey or Gamebird feed to everyone (21+% protein, I like higher if I can find it). Haven't had any problems yet
with chicks squishing keets, or peachicks or poults squishing keets, they're alot faster than the chicks.

When they're older, well, yes guineas can be bullies and if I am keeping a bunch confined I try and separate them, except right now I have a rooster and a hen that I want to keep separate from my other chickens in with about 8 guineas, and again so far no problems

Just one of those things you need to keep an eye on, and your situation could end up different.
I bought some keats last year. I have 5 Guineas that I am really enjoying. This is a really informative web sight that I found. It is realy interesting too.

is a link to a guinea forum, but I didnt find it too helpful at all and not that friendly.

I took the top of the fenced part of my coop when my Guineas were 12wks. They have been free range ever since and always come back in the coop to roost at night and thru out the day.

Good luck and enjoy your Guineas.

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