Guinea talk.

Thats great that you hatched all but one egg.  You never know the others might not have been any good at all.  

I hope your little handicapped keet is ok.  It seems like mother nature is pretty harsh on the little ones.  Let me know how he does.  

Yea. I was afraid the scratched eggs would bring bacteria into the incubator. I will keep you posted on my little pirate. His lost eye is completely sealed now. I posted to the emergency forum about his leg. Hopefully someone responds soon. I wont give up on him.
Good morning, I was able to get a video of the enclosed run to celebrate our 8 weeks. It was taken on the 4th. I tried to get them flying out of their coop over a banner of star fabric, but when they saw the new addition, they decided to just go under it. Ha Ha! The one honking, I call Auntie Em - I can't identify her unless she's squawking, but she does that almost non-stop. When she first started, Henry would respond to her and they'd go back and forth, so it was appropriate that she be called Auntie Em. Remember in the Wizard of Oz movie how Auntie Em is always squawking at Uncle Henry?

Before I get rambling on about my keets - I love those pictures you posted, Charid. Your birds are just beautiful! And, like Patti, I think the one with the keet sleeping with its legs stretched out behind is especially cute. They are so easy to get attached to and it's fun connecting with fellow Guinea lovers and sharing stories and pictures - just like being a new parent! And, so sad that you had problems with Raccoons and lost 6 of them. That's devastating. We all know that nature can be cruel, but when it happens to our babies, it's a tough situation to deal with. I hope the rest remain safe and sound and well in your care.

Please keep us posted on your little Pirate. I have not yet gotten to the egg stage, but when I do, I'll be asking a lot of questions and will need some help from my friends at the Forum.

So, I did try to reintroduce Henry to the flock again. They are very accepting of him, but he's still terrorizing them. I have separated him again and I'm definitely going to have to move him out for the sake of the flock. A friend of mine who used to have peacocks is going to give him a home, so he'll have a good place to go to. Sad to see him go, but the reality is 16 keets take precedence over one adult bully.

Keep cool today! Not sure where you hail from Charid. We are expecting temperatures in the 90's today and I'm guessing Patti will be experiencing the same in Indiana.
Good morning I loved the video of all your keets. You sure can hear Auntie Emm doing the buck wheat sound. She has that down to tee. They all look so healthy and active. I'm sorry hear about Henry having to leave but you have given him lots of chances to get along with the keets. He's had a long time to get adjusted to them and it sounds like he is a bully and he's not going to change his ways.

I know it's fun to talk with other people about guineas. No one around here has them and most people don't understand why you would even want one. I've really enjoyed the experience of watching them grow and the different antics they do. Just looking at them gives you a smile on your face their so different.

Charid you might post on guineas 101 they seem to be experienced guinea owners and might be able to help your little Pirate. Thank for you caring for him and giving him the support he needs. Keep us updated on the little guy.

We are having temps in the 90s today. The guineas don't seem to mind the heat but they don't like the rain at all. When it rains they stand at the door pacing back and forth wanting to come inside. I wrap a towel around them to dry them off and their happy to get out of the rain. Spider continues to be his sweet self and enjoying your company. Mary Jane is more stand offish but as long as Spider is on your lap she is close by. She lets me pet her but if you don't pet in the right places she will nip you to let you know.

Have a great day and thanks for the updates and videos.
Hi there!

I've had a terrible time trying to raise my guineas because of the preditors in my area. 3 weeks ago I had 24, now I'm down to 8!

I've decided to sell the remaining 8 and I'm wondering if someone can tell me what color these are? Also, what is the going rate for 4 month old Guineas? One person offered me $15 a piece but a friend said that was too cheap, the young adults are no less than $40 a piece. So any advice would be appreciated.



Sorry, pictures are a bit blurry.
I'm sorry for all your losses. That is so sad to lose them to predators.

If their black with white dots I would say pearl guineas. I'm sorry I can't help you with the price of guineas I wish I could. Maybe someone else can give you a price. Good luck I hope you sell them before the predator comes back.
I'm sorry for all your losses.  That is so sad to lose them to predators.  

If their black with white dots I would say pearl guineas.  I'm sorry I can't help you with the price of guineas I wish I could.  Maybe someone else can give you a price.  Good luck I hope you sell them before the predator comes back.  

It's been so sad. I haven't even let them out of their pen today. I'm pretty sure it's a fox. He gets them in the middle of the day!
You might try setting a trap and try and get him. Whats so bad is you want them to free range so they can catch bugs and then you can't because of the predators. That's horrible that the fox is getting them during the day.
Ktown lola - so sorry to hear about the loss of your guinea fowl. Very sad and very upsetting. It sounds as though you are trying to keep them as safe as possible and are looking for a new home for those that are left. Your birds look like Pearls to me as well. A pretty looking bunch! I think prices vary depending on your area. A going rate in Central New York is about $20 per bird for adult Pearl Guineas. If they are in high demand and hard to find in your area, you may get more. I'd recommend checking the farm and garden section of Craig's list for an idea. You have a good number of them, so that may be enticing to people who want a ready made flock - it just may take them some work to re-acclimate the birds to a new environment. Good luck with everything and I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you. I am loving my guinea fowl - they are very entertaining and great bug eaters - a win, win.
We are up to nine weeks with the Guinea Fowl - no picture this time. I have one that I've been nursing and may have to make a decision on putting it down. It started with a limp in the left leg. I thought it had injured itself flying from the roost down - they're still not too steady with their wings. It quickly progressed to being completely immobilized and no use of its wings. I'm guessing Merek's from what I've been reading. It's now in its own crate and is being cleaned a couple times a day. Still is somewhat interested in eating and drinking. Keeping a close eye on the rest of the flock. Would be a shame to lose them all at this point.....

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